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Could you please add ways to automate things? being super duper late into the game and only having the the million gold achievement left its really frustrating to still have to plant and water everything myself especially since energy runs out so fast and there no way to increase max energy over time.

Does this still have the most tedious watering system implemented? I remember at one point the watering mechanic was updated and I proceeded to basically destroy a massive garden I had spent a lot of time growing. I haven't played since and am wanting to pick this game back up, but only if that mechanic is gone or improved to a reasonable point

Hi! That mechanic was removed some time ago, so the plants no longer die in the garden.

I'm reinstalling the game right now!!! I loved the game a lot and spent a lot of time growing a decent garden, around 200 plants I'd say. That watering mechanic was introduced and I ended up overwatering so many of them on accident that I only had around a dozen left

Does this game let you experiment and make crazy random stuff?


do you wish to cook a meth potion or something

Hello! Is this game in the full version? I see that it is on Steam but wanted to know if it is on Thank you!

Hi! Yes, it's the full version.


cool game hvbhvbehbvehrbvherjqqqqqqqqqqqqa