Alpha 3.1.0 is now live

Hi everyone!

Alpha 3.1.0 version is now available, thank you all for your feedback and involvement!

New Feature: Gamepad Support

Gamepad is now supported on the game, You just have to go to options within the game and enable the section "Gamepad Mode (Experimental)".

Keep in mind that this is a first iteration of the gamepad control so although the game is now 100% playable with a gamepad, there may be things that need to be polished.

Regarding compatibility, the game works with any compatible PC controller natively. The buttons on the interface are displayed as if they were the buttons on an Xbox controller.

NOTICE: If you want to play the game with the Playstation 4 Dualshock at the moment you will have to use a program called DS4. In the future I will spend some time making the Dualshock natively compatible.

Disappearing House Furniture Bug

Fixing this bug has been a priority since it was reported and I have spent many hours a day trying to reproduce the bug to find out what was wrong.

Thanks to your feedback I have found a possible fix, so in this version the furniture in the house should no longer disappear, but unfortunately, there is no way to get your furniture back if you saved your game after they were gone.

I am very sorry that this bug has been a nuisance for many players, I fully understand the frustration that losing your stuff causes and I hope that it does not happen anymore. If your furniture keeps disappearing in this version, please report it in the forums!

Other bug fixes and adjustments

  • Price of buying plots now works properly.
  • The potions recipe book in the journal now displays the components correctly.
  • The outline is no longer visible in the middle of the bulletin board.
  • Items can now also be placed on the alchemy table by double clicking.
  • Fixed some item sounds.
  • Rock colliders have been adjusted.
  • Jack'O Greedy no longer sells duplicate items.

Whats Next on 3.2?

For the next update I am working on the following:

  • Physicalization of some items inside the home.
  • Shop management mechanics iteration.

Thank you very much for continuing to support the project!


Alchemy Garden.rar 613 MB
Aug 31, 2021

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